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Monday, August 24, 2015

Amazon Associates: Important Program Update

Dear Amazon Associate,

We are writing to notify you of some changes to the Associates Program Operating Agreement, which governs your participation in the Amazon Associates Program for All changes are effective on September 1, 2015.

Visit to view a summary of changes to the Operating Agreement.


The Amazon Associates Team

Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Important Action Required – Child Directed Policy


Thank you for being part of the Amazon Associates program. We're reaching out to remind you that sites targeted at children under 13 are not eligible to display links and advertising from the Amazon Associates program. To continue your participation in the Amazon Associates program, you need to declare that none of your sites are directed at children under 13.

Important Dates:
August 31, 2015 – We will begin to withhold advertising fee payments to accounts that have not completed their declaration.
October 31, 2015 – We will close accounts that have not completed their declaration.

To complete the declaration:
1. Sign in to your Associates Central account at:
2. Click on "Account Settings", then click on "Edit your website list"
3. Ensure 'Your website list' is accurate – by adding new websites or removing existing ones from the list.
4. Click on "Next" and complete the declaration process.

If you have questions or issues regarding your Amazon Associates website list, please contact Amazon Associates Customer Service at:

Thank you for your attention to this matter.
The Amazon Associates Team