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Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Manpreet Dhami - Singer and Artist From India

Mr.Manpreet Dhamee is a Singer and Stage performer Artist from India.He 
has performed in various countries of world like USA, UK and canada.
He has given many popular songs to us. like Tharkee India, single 
rocks,ye hai neta and latest song SONE DE.
He is Youth Icon for New Singers of India. He has many fans on and Billion of Fans on his 
official Facebook Page . 
You can chekout his latet song SONE DE here 
Visit his official website
Mr.Manpreet Dhamee is a Singer and Stage performer Artist from India.He has performed in various countries of world like USA, UK and canada.
He has given many popular songs to us. like Tharkee India, single rocks,ye hai neta and latest song SONE DE etc.
He is Youth Icon for New Singers of India. He has many fans on and Billion of Fans on his  official Facebook Page

You can chekout his latet song SONE DE here 

Visit his official website

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