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Health Education, here we take a look in detail for different diseases. That’s why Health Education and awareness is topmost priority in our life. Below are the best of Health Education from different Books of medicine and doctors reviews. Take a look in Health Education:

Friday, December 10, 2010


Use: it is used in combination with artisunate in co-blister packing for confirmed P. falciparum infections and during malaria epidemics.
Dosage:  Sulfhadoxine-Pyrimethamine is recommended as single adult dose of 1500 mg of Sulpha drug plus 75 mg of Pyrimethamine (25 mg Sulphadoxine and 1.25 mg of Pyrimethamine per Kg body weight, as a single dose). This comprises 03 tablets.
Side effects: The combination is generally well tolerated when used at the recommended doses for treatment of malaria. The Sulpha components may be associated with serious skin rashes and impairment of folic and metabolism. Rare side effects include Hepatitis, thrombocytopenia, megaloblastic anemia and leukopenia.
Contra-indication: it is contra-indicated during the first trimester of pregnancy and children below 02 months of age, in persons with known-hypersensitivity to Sulpha drugs or Pyrimethamine, in persons with severe hepatic or renal dysfunction. It is not recommended for chemoprophylaxis.
Over dosage: High doses of combination are highly fatal. Symptoms include headache, anorexia, nausea, vomiting, excitation and possibly convulsions and hematological changes. In case of acute intoxication, indication of emeses or gastric lavage is useful if undertaken with in few hours of ingestion. Convulsions can be controlled with diazepam.      

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